Berríos (Mueblerías Berríos) i Hato Rey

Puerto RicoBerríos (Mueblerías Berríos)



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

Calle Juan Calaf, 00918, Hato Rey, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-520-7015
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.426463, Longitude: -66.072712

kommentar 5

  • Louis Rodriguez

    Louis Rodriguez


    Berrios Plaza las Americas was a wonderfull experience. We got what we needed. Customer service was great.

  • Mairym Gomez

    Mairym Gomez


    We loved the store and everything was clean and very nice furniture. But....nobody asked us if we needed help or what we were looking for.

  • David Schorn

    David Schorn


    John was very helpful as I needed fridge , stove, washer and a couch . Berriós furnished my whole place :-) . He was helpful and kind

  • Carmen Irizarry

    Carmen Irizarry


    John help was greatly appreciated. He was helpful and not pushy. Good variety. I'm a recurring customer and this time the rating went up from 4 to 5 due to the sales representative positive outlook.

  • Dioshy Cruz

    Dioshy Cruz


    They never have in the showroom what I want to buy. This has happened several times already. Other than that, and the extremely long waiting times to get help by an associate due to Covid these days, everything is good.

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