Global Mattress - Hato Rey i San Juan

Puerto RicoGlobal Mattress - Hato Rey



🕗 åbningstider

301, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-837-9000
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4217591, Longitude: -66.0657802

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gretchen Herrero



  • Nydia Otero

    Nydia Otero


    I bought two full mattresses from this place. They were not expensive after the discounts they were offerings at the time. They were clear and told me that, at this moment, they did not have any in stock because they were sold out. After two hurricanes of course. They told me it would take 15 business days for the mattress to be ready, which means the mattresses will be delivered on Friday, February 9th. They also told me that there is a high demand on mattresses after the hurricanes. They were supposed to bring the mattreses on Friday, February 9th, they brought them on Thursday, February 8th.

  • en

    Joe Montalvo


    Brought a mattress and box spring on Dec 29 it's Jan 20 and still waiting for delivery let's see of finally this week .I would not buy from them again

  • Jose Ramirez

    Jose Ramirez


    Excellent service

  • en

    Joel Racet


    Good value and service

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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