USA Baby & Child Space Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoUSA Baby & Child Space Puerto Rico



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

210, Avendia Carlos E. Chardón, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-758-0636
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.42397, Longitude: -66.06656

kommentar 5

  • Héctor De Jesús

    Héctor De Jesús


    Recommended. Wish I've got that chair. Nice strollers.

  • Jennifer Daliz Gonzalez

    Jennifer Daliz Gonzalez


    Got ALL my baby items and gear from this store. From stroller to the beautiful Romina crib. From day 1 We where received by Yashira, who helped us with choosing the right gear and to set up our Baby Shower registry. She was very helpful thru all of it. After the locked down from Covid-19 they kept in contact and helped with the baby’s needs. Will continue to be a customer!

  • Alexandra P Rodriguez Colon

    Alexandra P Rodriguez Colon


    They where super diligent in getting our carseat for us during the pandemic. It was a treat doing buisiness with them. They also have a variety of exclusive products. Definetly buying from them again.

  • Roberto Micheri

    Roberto Micheri


    Great selection of products, but it is incredibly pricey, be aware you're paying premium price and could find many similar things cheaper online or looking at other sellers.

  • Juan I

    Juan I


    8 weeks for delivery. 1 piece of furniture Broken when delivered. Another piece of furniture was incorrectly delivered and had to re-deliver the correct piece of furniture. Hard to get someone on the phone. Would not recommend.

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