TC Villas i San Juan

Puerto RicoTC Villas



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#53, Calle Las Palmeras, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-378-8410
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4629445, Longitude: -66.0868502

kommentar 5

  • Gina Peterson

    Gina Peterson


    This home away from home did not disappoint. It was everything we hoped for; beautiful view, water was perfect for swimming, kayaking and paddle boarding. The location was great and Sapodilla Bay Beach was one of our favorites! The staff team were professional, prompt and responsive. We will definitely use TC Villas again!

  • Scott Jones

    Scott Jones


    We stayed in Villa Sandstone and it was exactly as advertised. Snorkeled every day right in front of the villa on the reefs. Communication with the company was always responded to promptly. My only request would be that they be more up front with their payment methods. You can pay the deposit with a credit card, but the rest must be wire transfer or check and this wasn't very clear at the time of booking. Of course you could pay more and go through VRBO or AirBnB to use a card for the total, but we saved more than $1,000 going directly though TC Villas. Would definitely stay here again.

  • John Stover

    John Stover


    We had a great experience with TC Villas. Stayed at Miami Vice 1. My wife and I had one of the best vacations we've ever had and we travel to the Caribbean a lot. Having the kayak and paddle boards were awesome and we rented jet ski's from down the street on multiple occasion in order to go exploring. Super private villa and was just what the doctor ordered. Will be using TC VIllas again in the future.

  • selena abidor

    selena abidor


    We had a great vacation in this wonderful home. It is immaculate snd well appointed with a perfect location.

  • Michael Alpaugh

    Michael Alpaugh


    I have vacationed many times to various islands and to the Turks as well, but I will be 100% sure to not only return to the Turks, but only by way of using TC Villas. This was an exceptional experience and outstanding company to work with. They listened to all of my needs and provided me with great customer service. Thank you for a breathtaking villa and a week in paradise that will never be forgotten.

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