San Juan Bautista Vacation Rentals i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Bautista Vacation Rentals



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9, Calle San Juan Bautista, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 415-310-0909
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4651516, Longitude: -66.0953551

kommentar 5

  • Tania Beale

    Tania Beale


    Great experience! Location, location, location! Just right beside the Escambron beach with views to the ocean from the terrace, 2 minutes drive to old san juan and in the back you will be able to see the cruises from the terrace (If your unit included one). The unit itself was cómfortable and modern. The manager was lay back and one phone call away if we need anything. I never met them in person but the system they use is very nice, the building is safe lock at all times. We decided to stay 2 more days at last minute and Martin arranged everything very nicely I will do it all over again. Thanks Martin!!!

  • Tiffany Schooley

    Tiffany Schooley


    The place was very clean and nice, Martin got us our keys and showed us around. All in all great place to stay :)

  • en

    Judith B


    My family spent Christmas and New Year's at this place and it was AMAZING. The place was spotless, beautiful and it was just as it looked in the photos new, sleek and modern. The owner was so nice. When we arrived Martin was there for us and he was great. The beach is across the street and the burger place was great. I would rent this place again and again. I love Puerto Rico! At the public beach, I paid a gentleman a compliment about how much I liked his T Shirt. He took it off and handed it to me and gave it to me as a gift and said "just be sure to come back to Puerto Rico again". I love the pride that Puerto Ricans have for their land and I love how much they welcome tourists and respect family life.

  • en

    Frank Klein


    San Juan Bautista Vacation Rentals will hold funds to unsuspecting guests. Martin is very nice until you check then he will contact you and state there was a problem with the room to keep the deposit as he is told to do so by the owner. Please be ADVISED! Former Employee Frank

  • Google user

    Google user


    Beware !!!!!!!!! Upon booking thru expedia you will received a email for a security deposit to be paid separately thru paypal . the security deposit was requested by martin the representative for the apartments for $200. after checking out days later we received an email from martin claiming the stovetop was cracked & he would foward the cost after the repairman quotes the repair cost of the stovetop. the crazy thing is we never used the stove! with the vast amounts of great restaurants in puerto rico the apartment was only used to sleep. i was indeed scammed for my security deposit of $200 & regret not being more cautious! hopefully this does not keep me away of the beautiful island of puerto rico, but it sure has saddened my memories... stayed at bautista located at address: 9 san juan bautista san juan 00901 during august 2015

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