Vistas de San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoVistas de San Juan



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600, Fernandez Juncos Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-4624
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Latitude: 18.4536911, Longitude: -66.0880449

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bob Dillan


    Had to wait for my room for six hours, they even didn’t give my roommate and I a key until an hour after receiving our room and even then it was only one key for four people. Staff also continued to lie to us. Terrible experience

  • Jeffrey Carrero

    Jeffrey Carrero


    Absolutely horrible experience!!! The hotel itself is run down. From the outside it appears to be a abandoned hotel from a post WWII era. The staff was rude, unprofessional, completely unorganized and hard to get a hold of. We stood there three nights and lost hot water after the 1st. The rooms themselves were dirty and look "thrown together". The bed was hard and uncomfortable. To reach any of the staff was like looking for a needle in a haystack in a house of mirrors. The sheets had stains on them and the towels said "Hilton" on them. They actually stole towels from the Hilton, (you can't make this stuff up.) The hotel is in the middle of nowhere. You must take a Uber everywhere. However Uber refuses to pick you up there, they tell you to walk across the highway to the Sheraton hotel. There are many other hotels in the area, I strongly recommend considering one of the instead.

  • Raul Colon

    Raul Colon


    I understand the electricity issue is not the hotel fault but the room was hot. Not a nice sleep night. The room was clean except the bathroom. It could be cleaner. The staff only works Mon thru Friday so I have to wait to get a final detailed receipt by email.

  • en

    Rob Neal


    No power I was told this upon checking in. I would have looked for another place if I would have known at time of booking that they were still without power after Hurricane Maria. How can you rent hotel rooms with no hot water no electricity not to mention no smoke alarms in case of fire.

  • MIKOL Washington

    MIKOL Washington


    It's alright, but the management is terrible. I needed a receipt because my job is paying for the room. I called and gave them my card number to renew my stay, and the person I spoke to assured me the receipt would both be sent to my email, and a paper copy would byte waiting on me when I returned. Not only did he throw the paper copy away, he didn't send me anything, and when I asked about it the manager said "I don't know I'm about to get off" and she walked out...nice little place, but terrible staff. Lastly, they overbooked my room WHILE I WAS STILL IN IT! They kicked me out with four days left on my reservation and when I asked to speak to management they lied and said she was out of town for. Month, but I had seen her in the morning before I left...not worth it.

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