Casa Old San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoCasa Old San Juan



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419, Calle del Sol, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-340-7807
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4676403, Longitude: -66.112499

kommentar 5

  • Dulce Hernández

    Dulce Hernández


    Amazing. Angela the best.

  • Marilyn Gould

    Marilyn Gould


    My cosy room overlooking the ocean opposite San Christobel. Many cafes, restaurants and bars close by. The bnb is gorgeous. Thoroughly recommend and great value for money on Airbnb. Small spiral staircase to the room. So not disabled friendly but more of a romantic getaway.




    Love this place, very humble, charming and clean, if you are not looking for a hotel style, this is the place to stay and is in the middle of the heart of the beautiful old city!!!

  • Eder S

    Eder S


    The location is extremely convenient to the local attractions, the main bedroom has a window that opens to the street that provides excellent breeze. The building features a door to access the building in addition to a separate lock to your rental. Feels very secure. It was a nice feature of having a water filter pitcher in the fridge saved us having to continually have to purchase water.

  • julisa Sanchez

    julisa Sanchez


    Amazing location right by the ocean and San Cristobal fort. Easy to walk to any location in Old San Juan. Very tiny dark shower though and wifi isnt all that great. Nice spot to sleep and rest between ventures.

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