The House i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoThe House



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Frailes, Guaynabo 00969, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3720808, Longitude: -66.1108819

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Colon

    Roberto Colon


    Wide variety of wines whiskeys and other spirits as well as mixers and accessories. A little higher priced than what you can get from warehouses but with a much wider variety. Would recommend for anybody that's into the craft beer scene and whiskey scene to hit this place up

  • J Soltero

    J Soltero


    Great selection and layout. Parking can be tricky

  • Roberto Gonzalez

    Roberto Gonzalez


    Friendly service. They were very aware about contamination control procedures in this new covid era. I was pleased to see that. I will return for sure, to get more whiskey.

  • yanille muniz

    yanille muniz


    Great variety of wines, beer and hard liquor. Good service, very helpful. They have wine tastings and "tapas" . Really relaxed atmosphere.

  • Lore Gonzalez

    Lore Gonzalez


    It's cozy and entertaining for the price. Good for couple hang out or gals night out!!

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