Marisquería Atlántica de Isla Verde i San Juan

Puerto RicoMarisquería Atlántica de Isla Verde



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2475, 2475 Loiza Street, 00913, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-726-6654
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.450066, Longitude: -66.038067

kommentar 5

  • es

    Grichelle Toledo


    Fui a recoger una orden de paella y no estaba lista a tiempo. Al parecer tuvieron más ordenes de las que podían manejar. Sin embargo, valió la pena esperar. ¡La paella espectacular como siempre!

  • en

    gladys negron


    It's a pitty this place is not half of what it used to be. Their paella is no longer a good one. The seafood is not fresh and they compensate with too much rice. Not a good place for seafood inbthe city.

  • T. K.

    T. K.


    It is 2.5 star old restuarant. Nothing special. Paella marinara is absolutely plain with no taste, seafood old and smelly.european bass eas the worse bass Ive ever had. Server never asked if we liked the food ad they possibly do not care.

  • William Johnston

    William Johnston


    This place has sort of a run down look on the outside, but the inside is very nice and classy. They specialize in Seafood, so if you don't like seafood I wouldn't recommend it. I went there and got the chicken breast. It was very bland. Everyone else at my table got seafood and they really enjoyed it. The drinks were over priced, but I guess you're paying for the atmosphere.

  • maryelin velez

    maryelin velez


    Es un lugar con un ambiente muy acogedor para ir en pareja y en familia y disfrutar de los mejores mariscos y paellas acompañados en un buen vino,con tres salones para escoger les invito a pasar y vivir su propia experiencia 😉

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