The House Wine, Beer & More De Diego i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe House Wine, Beer & More De Diego



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114 Avenida José de Diego, San Juan, 00907 nivel, San Juan, 2nd, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-919-7757
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4514161, Longitude: -66.0648123

kommentar 5

  • erwin d

    erwin d


    Excellent place. Great prices and best selection of beers, liquors, spirits, you name it. Quality in every sip you'll give

  • Jocelyne Muñoz

    Jocelyne Muñoz


    3 stars because of the prices. High compared to the US. However, good selection, and variety. Well organized and neat with international wines and local Ocean bear. It's the upper level of the building (on top of the grocery store). Also, only two cashiers so long wait time. They had charcuterie board tools and fancy snacks.

  • Orion Obolon

    Orion Obolon


    Every alcohol you can find in puerto rico and more. Also much cheaper. Plenty of parking also. I could have saved so much money had i come here in the past

  • Paul Stine

    Paul Stine


    Vast selection for here in PR. Enjoy the positive vibe. Expert help if needed.

  • Mon Matos

    Mon Matos


    Inmense selection of liquors and wine, some artisan beer and others. A great place to find a gift for grown-ups.

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