The Poet's Passage i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Poet's Passage



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203, Calle De La Cruz, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-0564
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Latitude: 18.465033, Longitude: -66.116112

kommentar 5

  • Sree Sreenivasan

    Sree Sreenivasan


    Beautiful spot in Old San Juan that you must visit. A poetry exhibition + other celebrations of poetry!

  • Business Web Admin

    Business Web Admin


    Visit Poet’s Passage for a night of reading or just step in to choose a hand made souvenirs or simply talk to the owners. Nice place, great people.

  • Olivia Tatara

    Olivia Tatara


    Amazing handmade art products, art prints, framed paintings and books in the heart of Old San Juan. Very friendly and helpful staff also. A must see in Old San Juan for poetry and art atmosphere.

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    A unique coffee shop which is not a typical corporate clone. Delightful poetry (hence the name) framed in good taste are for sale in the rear. Really unusual!

  • Jorge Feliciano

    Jorge Feliciano


    A little magic in the heart of old San Juan. A beautiful family owned gift shop with art, poetry and hand crafted souvenirs. Every Tuesday night from 7pm forward there is an open mic night with a multitude of talented locals and nearby wanderers. It provides a open heart forum where much magic and healing is bound to happen. I harnessed my craft at this magical sacred space and have now family for all my existence thanks to it. Highly recommend!

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