The Spoon Experience i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Spoon Experience



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Plaza de Armas, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-598-6008
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4654547, Longitude: -66.1168508

kommentar 5

  • Aaron Larsen

    Aaron Larsen


    Pablo is an amazing host. He gave us an amazing tour full of incredible information and delicious things to sample. I'd recommend doing this on your first day in San Juan to orient yourself and start things off right.

  • G. Keoki Bezilla

    G. Keoki Bezilla


    Our guide was on time and very knowledgeable with historical references everywhere we walked! The food experience was lite but enjoyable for a walking tour and gave us just the right intro the the Old San Juan culinary niche. Would definitely recommend this to anyone. Our group had fun and our guide Yali was awesome. Being a professional guide from Hawaii myself, I am pleasantly impressed with her skill set, her attention to the energy of her group and her depth of knowledge that has been passed down in her family. We can’t wait to come back for more!

  • Jim Jackson

    Jim Jackson


    We enjoyed the locally sourced cuisine while learning history and seeing historical site’s throughout the city of San Juan.

  • Luis Miguel Ordoñez

    Luis Miguel Ordoñez


    Very fun and informative tour with excellent knowledgeable guides. In depth history explained in a practical manner: while eating. Learn how historical events affected the agriculture and ingredients used in PR cuisine until this day, while tasting the specific flavors and dishes to bring it all full circle. Tasted some of the best food i've had there on the tour, and learned (and drank) a lot about rum and the industry which I really enjoyed. Will definitely return, highly recommend!

  • teachU rite

    teachU rite


    Super Excellent Food and Drink Tasting Tour. Our guide, Pablo, was engaging and extremely knowledgeable of the food and culture of Puerto Rico!!! Portions were plentiful and a drink of the area accompanied each sampling!! Highly Recommend! We'd do it again when we return to San Juan ♥️

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