Tous Jewelry i San Juan de Puerto Rico

Puerto RicoTous Jewelry



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Plaza las Americas, 525 FD Roosevelt Ave. Local 526, San Juan de Puerto Rico, San Juan 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-999-4685
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.423224, Longitude: -66.074381

kommentar 5

  • Lynette Mercado

    Lynette Mercado


    After a long day at work I went to do some shopping in Tous plaza las Americas, after waiting for the COVID-19 protocol when I am at the cash register a very kind blonde girl was attending me, this employee arrived Ruda, short, brunette , black hair stretched, I need to use the box and I there how what ??? Aha you can believe that I take the girl out of the cash register to attend to other clients !!! POOR SERVICE REMEMBER IT'S NOT FREE AND WE NEED THE SAME ATTENTION AND RESPECT !!! 🤬

  • Carlos Morales

    Carlos Morales



  • Yahaira Gonzalez

    Yahaira Gonzalez


    Customer service is TERRIBLE. They don’t even acknowledge that you have arrived or greet you, even if you stand in front of them from across the counter. They have stuck up attitudes for no reason. Service in the US stores or in the Mall of San Juan location is waaaaay better.

  • Elsalyn Carrasquillo

    Elsalyn Carrasquillo


    Take a piece that you bought to clean. It was supposed to be a 5 micron retouching but when I picked it up it was stained. I left it under warranty to be sent to Spain to touch up and when I went to pick it up again it had no shine and was still stained in several areas.

  • Nefta Beta

    Nefta Beta


    Exelent variety of jewelry

nærmeste Guldsmed

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