Valcor SJ i San Juan

Puerto RicoValcor SJ


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641, Avenida Andalucía, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-781-1525
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4085218, Longitude: -66.0760712

kommentar 5

  • es

    Sandra Vicenty


    Muy mala atención.

  • en

    Jose A Hernandez


    I believe this is the best place for security windows and doors. They have the finest details in their products. Their windows are so strong that a 220lbs guy like me can use them as a ladder (not that I do it but can if wanted to). I have them and let me tell you this is quality. But their is a big but these are expensive, very expensive. Also they take a probably 3 months to get them done and installed but they warn you ahead about it, so it's ok because they are fitted to the your exact space where you wanted. I don't give them 5 stars just for the price. Go to the showroom and be the judge.

  • Jose Rivera

    Jose Rivera


    El servicio es pésimo para un producto tan caro. La información que brindan es limitada y en todo momento colocan la responsabilidad en el cliente. Se toman demasiado tiempo para dar una simple cotización y mucho más tiempo si se pide un servicio de reparación en la residencia (además de que cobran por simplemente ir a evaluar y cotizar). Buscaré otra compañía que brinde el mismo producto con un mejor servicio.

  • en

    Mari Gianati


    Great looking products but totally irresponsible. Awful customer service. Installation and delivery takes FOREVER. If you are willing to wait months and months for anything, go ahead!

  • Giancarlo Soto

    Giancarlo Soto


    Aluminum windows and doors. Also customizing designs

nærmeste Butik

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