Vimar Therapy Group i Carolina

Puerto RicoVimar Therapy Group



🕗 åbningstider

27-16, Avenida Fidalgo Diaz, 00985, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-276-8123
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3894816, Longitude: -65.96501

kommentar 5

  • Fernando Saldana

    Fernando Saldana


    Canceling an appointment the same day as the appointment is not okay! 1 hour before ..

  • Maribel Rodriguez

    Maribel Rodriguez


    Completely disappointed I took 2 and a half months to give therapies to my son and he tells me that they will call me and they do not call me. The first time they told me to give terepia in the little school and they called me and it took two weeks of me to be calling and always get busy until finally I got them and they told me that they did not have staff to give therapies in the little school and since then I am trying to get an appointment and nothing. I have to call more than 10 times and they tell me they're going to put it on a list that does not have enough therapists or a lot of availability. Really a bad experience.

  • Francisco J Muñoz

    Francisco J Muñoz


    Excellent service

  • Gabriela Suarez

    Gabriela Suarez


    Good quality place for any agethat requires any type of therapy

  • Jerry Filomeno

    Jerry Filomeno


    Not too much parking. ...great service although need some improvements (waiting area)

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