Xcel Rehabilitation Caguas i Caguas

Puerto RicoXcel Rehabilitation Caguas



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E-9, Avenida Luis Muñoz Marín, 00725, Caguas, Caguas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-745-4355
internet side: www.xcelrehab.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.242299, Longitude: -66.0210165

kommentar 4

  • Raquel Carreras

    Raquel Carreras


    Cozy, clean and serene.

  • Brandy Figueroa Rivera

    Brandy Figueroa Rivera


  • Marianita Mercado

    Marianita Mercado


    Today had appointment for therapy at 11:00 am and for reasons beyond my control I arrived at 11:13 am, basically on time pq had told me that I have 15 minutes to arrive. They called me to fill out and sign the documents for them to process the payment at 12pm and I asked the one I was attending if they were going to see me in the group at 12pm and he said yes. Still at 12:30 pm they had not treated me, so I had to leave. I have taken several therapies here and this is the first time this happens to me, a real lack of consideration and respect for me as a patient. What I hope is that they do not process the payment to the insurance pq I did not get to take the therapy.

  • Maria Sierra

    Maria Sierra


nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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