Animal Emergency Clinic i San Juan

Puerto RicoAnimal Emergency Clinic


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387, Avenida Ingeniero Manuel Domenech, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-1120
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4130523, Longitude: -66.0676793

kommentar 5

  • R.J. M, Velazquez , Gonzalez

    R.J. M, Velazquez , Gonzalez


    Ever since hurricane Maria they have been trying to recover their losses by any means necessary and they were expensive before Hurricane Maria imagine Now, To give you an example : I took the dog in because the dog was under the weather and a tall skinny ignorant doctor came in and said to do some blood test on the dog and so i did and result showed that dog had multiple problems but that we needed to take care of the major problem first and take care of the others later because of the risk of doing everything at once, but how quickly he changed that opinion on my next visit he kept pushing me to do everything else but did not guarantee the dog would survive, so he basically wanted me to sign over the dogs life and then here is the kicker and then a small female doctor came in saying she was a specialist for what my dog has and said i was not following her instructions and that i was killing my dog and repeated what the ignorant skinny doctor had said and again pushing me to sign for what amounted to what she accused me of doing which was killing the dog well my answer is i love my dog with all my heart and i followed her instructions to the letter but if i was taking care of short stuff or skinny ignorant then i would not follow those instructions at all and since this is the only 24 hour animal Emergency hospital around is the very reason they get away with this and for the fat short miss thing up front almost every day show some respect because you are not doing your customers a favor and the customers are not your employees .

  • es

    luis angel


    Mi perra no podía orinar y la llevé a este lugar a la 1am le hicieron una placa y me dijeron que tenía piedras me enseñaron la placa y si las tenía entonces me dijeron que había que operar de emergencia y costaba $1,200😳 , de la operación salió bien la lleve a sacar los puntos Y me asombro lo rápido que había cicatrizado( wow)me dije estas personas si son buenas en esto, pues ahora 6 meses después empezó de nuevo con problemas para orinar la llevo al veterinario de ella (no el mismo que la operó primeramente ) y resulta que tiene piedras yo le dije por lo que había pasado y me dijo que las piedras no se forman de un día para otro (que solo eso me podía desir por ética ). $700mas me costó esta vez . Todo lo que e escrito es la verdad lo hago para que no le vuelva a pasarle a nadie perdí mi dinero y se que no me lo van a devolver.

  • Victoria Cruz

    Victoria Cruz


    Lleve mi perrita de 10 semanas con diarreas y rapido encontraron q era un gusano q le causa anorexia. Deje a mi mama muy preocupada y cuando regrese estaba feliz y aliviada porq nuestra Honey estara bien. Gracias.

  • Carlos Basabe

    Carlos Basabe


    Servicio excellente. Los doctores son muy profecional y muy atento. Los tecnologos veterinarios son los mejores. El amor a su profecion y animals es evidente.

  • es

    Jose Perez


    Se anuncian como 24 hr pero no contestan El teléfono. Mal servicio.

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