Clinica Veterinaria de Diego i San Juan

Puerto RicoClinica Veterinaria de Diego



🕗 åbningstider

605, Avenida José de Diego, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-781-5187
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.406047, Longitude: -66.0880765

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Ferrol

    Nicole Ferrol


    Excellent timely service

  • Angel O'Farrill

    Angel O'Farrill


    Good doctor... great assistance

  • Amarilis Rivera

    Amarilis Rivera


    The Clinic is the Best with his Doctor Ramos and his Technical personnel they are to Kind The Best Group Congratulations to All and Blessing to All 😀❤🐕

  • Amanda Díaz Sotomayor

    Amanda Díaz Sotomayor


    Really sweet people. Treat my rescue with so much care.

  • Paula Vazquez

    Paula Vazquez


    I have been going and will continue to go. I recommend it to everyone that really loves their pets like their own kids. They are wonderful and so sweet wirh my babies thank you for the way you treat them with with such care and love. You can tell the passion they have for caring for our pets. Its like family. THANK YOU

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