Clinica Veterinaria Roosevelt i San Juan

Puerto RicoClinica Veterinaria Roosevelt



🕗 åbningstider

1367, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-781-8152
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4138588, Longitude: -66.0932157

kommentar 5

  • Felix Rodríguez Mejia

    Felix Rodríguez Mejia


    They are. Better than the completion

  • elines acevedo

    elines acevedo


    So disappointed in this vet that I have taken my rescue cats to in the past. If it wasn't for low cost sterilizations that organizations like Spayathon offered, I wouldn't have my cats and you wouldn't have had my business in the first place. Knowing that you are against actual help for people like me, who are economically struggling, who care about the overpopulation of strays suffering on the streets of PR, and actively work against us getting help and relief, because of greed... I cannot recommend this clinic ever again. 😔

  • Joandra Duarte Branch

    Joandra Duarte Branch


    Great price, excellent service, thanks for your kind help

  • Adjanie Tollinche

    Adjanie Tollinche


    Don't waste your money or time in this low clinic! She is overcharging for her services!! She is greedy and disrespectful!

  • Maria Margarida

    Maria Margarida


    Kind, caring, loving and dedicated professional. Highly recommended.

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