Avis Rent-A-Car i Carolina

Puerto RicoAvis Rent-A-Car



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Avenida Aeropuerto, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 800-230-4898
internet side: www.avis.com
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Latitude: 18.4371104, Longitude: -66.0057735

kommentar 5

  • Abby Child Of The Most High God

    Abby Child Of The Most High God


    Omg, watch the gray haired lady in the glasses when you bring your car back. Shes mean AF.

  • Jay Sabzevari

    Jay Sabzevari


    NEVER AGAIN! I travel for business and always rent my cars through Alamo, not sure what possessed me to go with Avis this time but that was a HUGE MISTAKE! One of the worst customer services I’ve ever dealt with, both in person and over the phone. The vehicle was disgustingly dirty inside with scratches and dents all over it. I was shocked when I got my vehicle and the final bill that I received was completely different than my original reservation. If you’re debating on using this company anywhere, I strongly urge you not to do it. It wasn’t just the local office that it was poor, their U.S. phone customer service was a nightmare. I know discrepancy happens from time to time and I’ve called Alamo customer service a few times over that and what a difference, they are million times better than Avis.

  • en

    ruben roldan


    Worst mistake of my life renting with this people. Wait time 4.30 hr, for them to chharge my credit card on return for prepaid gas after i returned the vehicle on full which they verified. No one will talk to me in management to get this issue resolved.

  • en

    Brandon Sierra


    Sunday 2:15pm 5/13/18 I walked to the preferred board where I was told to ask for assistance at the preferred center in which the employee said he's serving his last customer before he will be done for the day and was then referred to the main service counter. Still currently waiting in line hitting a full hr and they have only serviced 4 people. I've previously been to 6different Avis locations in less than a month this is BY FAR THE WORST location this company has. I've never seen a staff work so slowly, incompetently and with such a lack of effort. Unfortunately Enterprise, Hertz and Alamo are all currently booked out of cars or I would have cancelled and left after the first 30mins of this waste of time. I've never left a google review before but felt it was needed to help prevent anyone else from wasting their money and time paying for this locations continuation of business. AVIS FIX THIS TERRIBLE LOCATION.

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    Mika Koivisto


    Needed to wait for 1,5 hours(!) to receive the previously reserved car. Ar check-in they talked about couple of minutes wait because of "cleaning" which turned out to be a lie, the car had not been even returned yet! Waiting with me were about 15 other clients, so cannot say that was an isolated problem. In this highly competed business Avis will fail in Puerto Rico. There are tons of other companies next door. Better to avoid Avis and go for Hertz, in the past they have been reliable in Puerto Rico.

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