Thrifty Car Rental i Carolina

Puerto RicoThrifty Car Rental



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Calle Celestial, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-253-2525
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4314144, Longitude: -66.0028114

kommentar 5

  • en

    Luis Bonet


    I am very satisfied with the service that I received. After having the car for a few days I found that one of the front tires had a bulge. I bought the car back and was given a different car and was back on the road in less than 20min. Desiderate and Elie zero handled the change and I will definitely continue to rent from them. Additionally they had the best price.

  • Keith U

    Keith U


    Very good service. Quick and easy. The only thing I did not like was that was that the final price for the rental ended up being about 10% not than the original reservation. They also charge you extra for the tolls options, which is a better choice if you're going to be traveling around different parts of Puerto Rico.

  • Adrian



    They were courteous as expected they did explain thoroughly what was going to be charge and what the insurance going to cover no hassle and simple they always suggest that you must be 3 hours prior to the flight just in case of any unseen situation. And there near to some eating places just in case you have munchies

  • Jen Espino

    Jen Espino


    Easy and fast shuttle to and from The San Juan airport. The rates are cheap if booked early. The cars are well maintained and clean. Staff is friendly, efficient and prompt. Had to drop off a car at 6am before an early flight and they were right on time!

  • CM Rivera Nazario

    CM Rivera Nazario


    Terrible Costumer Service, tried to charge me extra money a couple of months after I used their service. Got hostile with me when I told them I had my own insurance and wasn't gonna be using theirs.

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