Cabrera Car & Truck Rental i Carolina

Puerto RicoCabrera Car & Truck Rental



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A15, Calle Celestial, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-333-8444
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4314518, Longitude: -66.004171

kommentar 5

  • Caye Shoals

    Caye Shoals


    The cars are inexpensive. Decent selection. We had a Nissan Versa (hand locks, hand crank windows, cloth seats, etc) for less than $10/day. Deposit was $500 though. The establishment seemed a bit bleak, but it was almost closing time. You must have your insurance declaration page (not just the card).

  • Omar E.

    Omar E.


    Theifs do not go here!!! Hidden fees and will charge you a million things

  • Elisha Ruiz

    Elisha Ruiz


    The worst experience. I returned my rented vehicle on July 20, 2020 and still have not received my $500 deposit/hold its been almost 60 days. I have been calling and left several messages and still have yet to receive a call back or a refund. I will be getting my credit card company involved.

  • Eric Martindale

    Eric Martindale


    The worst car rental experience of my life. They're a bunch of con-artists trying to rip you off. I would give ZERO STARS if I could. The front counter woman Lizzy was very disrespectful and started yelling at me. She took over 30 minutes to ring up my order, and was chatting on her cellphone for at least 20 of those minutes. I had to cancel my reservation and walk out of the place. You don't want to do business with these banditos.

  • Matthew Smith

    Matthew Smith


    The young woman who worked with me lied about mandatory car insurance, saying that my current car insurance was not good enough coverage. I’m sure she is working for commissions. I speak English and she handed me paperwork in Spanish at the time to back up her statement. A co-worker stood nearby condoning this behavior. When I came to drop the car off, she gave me a receipt with insurance that cost $4 more per day than what she initially quoted me. On the final paperwork, I noticed that customers are given a chance to accept or decline coverage. Of course, I was on the plane at this point. I hate getting lied to. I do not recommend going here at all.

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