Banco Popular - Sucursal Altamira i San Juan

Puerto RicoBanco Popular - Sucursal Altamira



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Avenida Jesús T. Piñero, 00927, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-706-0042
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3943905, Longitude: -66.1035235

kommentar 5

  • Gabriel Strol

    Gabriel Strol


    After 4.5 months of back and forth and providing endless paperwork finally closed on a refinance of an existing loan with Banco Popular!! The original loan closing was less than 60 days!! Incompetence and lack of customer service is rampant at Banco Popular Mortgage division, in Puerto Rico. Do not do business with this bank unless you enjoy being stressed and delayed. How they stay in business is beyond me! Polite but unprofessional in the banking business. No sense of urgency and they actually call on you to help them do their job of acquiring document from various sources that they cannot manage and create unnecessary delays. Pathetic is almost a complement for this bank. Don’t waste your time!!

  • Day Kendra Spencer

    Day Kendra Spencer


    I had to wait an hour outside with the stinky money truck making noise and pollution

  • Jenny Henriquez

    Jenny Henriquez


    Great service

  • Ken Ful Chan Yau

    Ken Ful Chan Yau


    Very nice places

  • Florin Lepadatu

    Florin Lepadatu


    Must wait in multiple lines just to talk to someone. Confusing “system” and incompetent employees. Choose another bank if you can.

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