Cafe Berlin i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafe Berlin


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407 San Francisco Street, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-5205
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Latitude: 18.4666233, Longitude: -66.1121013

kommentar 5

  • Elaina Neas

    Elaina Neas


    Worth the wait! I’d highly recommend the Puerto Rican sampler. It was such a great start to our meal and an excellent way to explore many flavors. The drinks were also delicious! Our server was phenomenal and so kind. Would definitely return if I’m in the area again.

  • Mac2line



    Had a delicious dinner at Cafe Berlin. I had the vegan loaf and my husband had the vegan mofongo. Both were absolutely delicious and very filling. The vegan mofongo was particularly awesome, exploding with flavor. My husband absolutely loved it (and he is not a vegan). Staff was friendly and great service. Very impressed with the originality of their vegan options.

  • sharon clay

    sharon clay


    We were told that there was a backup in the kitchen for service at least 20 min. So we said instead of leaving we'll wait. After about 45min We noticed no one else was waiting. They were coming being served and leaving. So we inquired and they took our order. More patrons came and left. So finally we said maybe we are not being served here,they said our food was on the way out. This was after the four tables around us was served and finished. We said no thanks we will just go. How can such treatment still be in the heart of people today. We live in the same world, can't we just treat people with kindness & fairness you are running a business.

  • Nirvana Afrodita

    Nirvana Afrodita


    This is not a place for someone that likes really well service and wants to feel well treated... The ambiance is heavy. Some server's conversation were very inappropriate. Price are little bit expensive. I didn't have a good experience there, I've had better experience being in a food truck than here. I will never go again nor recomend!

  • Anand Shelat

    Anand Shelat


    Absolutely delicious meal at Cafe Berlin. We ordered chicken, pasta and tofu dishes. All were full of flavor. The Celiac Friendly menu was fabulous. Very much enjoyed the basil martini as well. Great spot with amazing service with knowledgeable staff. Highly recommended.

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