Carabalí Rainforest Park i Luquillo

Puerto RicoCarabalí Rainforest Park



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Puerto Rico 992, 00773, Luquillo, Mameyes I, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-889-4954
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.364614, Longitude: -65.763666

kommentar 5

  • Marissa Co

    Marissa Co


    Great experience! We had lunch here followed by the ATV ride. Food was tasty and I highly recommend the coconut mojito. The ATV ride was a guided group trek to a river, so at no point was there a risk of flipping over or driving off a cliff or anything. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but fine by me! They do adhere to the rules, so if you ride two to an ATV, only one person can be the driver at all times. Still, very cool and fun activity!

  • en

    Renee Puleo


    So much fun! About 9 of us took a trip here to ride the ATV'S, Anthony was our tour guide and he was awesome! We had the best time ever. We stopped half was through the ride and swam in the river. The views along the way were breathe taking! Highly recommend this place if you want to have fun!

  • en

    Nicholas Priet


    We went here twice. Lunch was great but we had issues with the time they opened the go-karts. After the owner explained the seasons and that the go-karts open at 11 we sat there until 11:40 and still the place was not ready. One day was pretty decent and one day it seemed like we were a bother. Almost a two hour wait to watch the guy opening the ride still take his time like no one was waiting is enough for me to never come back. Souvenir shop is nice and the concept of the place is also appealing but waiting like that wasnt so much fun for our 11 year old companion. The staff was friendly when we spoke but i had to leave after them not being anywhere close to being ready to open when they said they would be.

  • Prepaid Mobile

    Prepaid Mobile


    Perfect for grand mother’s and grand fathers that want to try ATV for the first time. This place over focus on safety makes this one of the worst ATV rides I have taken. Through out the entire ride you will be expected to follow the person in the front with a certain distance maintained making the entire focus of this ride to be just that. You may also get the impression that you are actually riding through a rain forest while in actuality it’s just a deceptive name and you are riding through old cattle fields and wooded area. The trails looks the same for through out the ride with the highlight of the tour being a 15 min stop at a river bank. Save your $$ if you are looking for an adrenaline rush this is not it!!!!

  • Anke Gähme

    Anke Gähme


    Ein tolles Team, gepflegte Tiere. Was dort seit Irma und Maria geleistet wurde, ist kaum vorstellbar. Viel Glück für die Zukunft und merci für einen tollen Tag mit viel Natur und vielen Infos auch außerhalb des üblichen Tourismus Programms.

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