Parque Acuático Infantil Aquasol i Carolina

Puerto RicoParque Acuático Infantil Aquasol



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Calle Avenue Boca de Cangrejos, 00983, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-633-3457
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Latitude: 18.4503109, Longitude: -65.9960318

kommentar 5

  • Yveth Avila

    Yveth Avila


    Great for kids to have birthday parties or just a little fun getaway

  • Melissa Delgado

    Melissa Delgado


    Maybe this is one of the best advantages of going to Carolina Beach. If you have kids, they will love to go here and they will have a blast. Highly recommended.

  • George Thomas Rey

    George Thomas Rey


    It's great for kids to have fun at the beach. For their safety they have 4 lifeguards on the watch. Only children 12 years and under can use the water park. Beside the water park the little kids have their own bathroom and shower nobody else can use it. The fee is $4 for 1 hour.

  • Altar de Bendición

    Altar de Bendición


    Good staff, Cheaper, Nice place you could play and have fun with your kids.

  • Jesus Rodriguez

    Jesus Rodriguez


    Awesome and cheap place to take the young ones. In a beach setting. The down sides are you only get an hour to play, can't take any food in, and if you're a woman you have to wear shorts, so tan line is gonna be off. The up side is its 50 ft. from the beach, it had public restrooms and showers. So go out and have some fun.

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