Rainforest Zipline Park i Río Grande

Puerto RicoRainforest Zipline Park



🕗 åbningstider

Road 191, km 1.1, Rio Grande, PR 00745, United, Río Grande 00745, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-370-1010
internet side: rainforestzipline.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.362519, Longitude: -65.771702

kommentar 5

  • VVS Diamond

    VVS Diamond


    Staff was super nice and friendly! The first six lines are moreso to get you used to the logistics and mechanics (in my opionin) the last two lines are GORGEOUS!!! Take a fanny pack so you can use your phone on line 7! It's worth it!

  • Francisco Barillas

    Francisco Barillas


    We scheduled our adventure for the 1500 time slot. We were greeted by a very professional young lady who took our temperature and confirmed our payment. The area is beautiful: lots of flora and fauna. What impressed me the most and put my anxiety at ease was the professionalism of the crew. Nothing was rushed but they maintained a brisk pace at the same time. They matched our adrenaline with precise and clear instructions, and lots of reinforcement. It is a progressive sequence of ziplines to get you prepared for the half-mile one. That is an experience I'll never forget. The place is kept immaculate and the crew was sure to maintain any potential garbage out of the rainforest. I highly recommend this adventure.

  • Roxann Joseph

    Roxann Joseph


    If your ever in San Juan and looking for fun please try this Zip line park. Its awesome 👌. Everyone is supportive and encouraging. We completed all 8 courses and they gave us free water....I just wish the zip line was higher up

  • Kasey Stump

    Kasey Stump


    Highly recommend! Awesome time and even better staff. Made the trip safe and fun! Zip lines were WELL worth it!

  • Den Play

    Den Play


    Everyone was awesome, from the lady who greeted us to the guides, we could not have had a better experience. The hardest part was climbing the ladders. You have to be in decent shape. I am afraid of heights but the beautiful views kept me so entranced that they were all I could focus on. Definitely recommend, would do it again.

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