Chocolato i San Juan

Puerto RicoChocolato



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209, Calle San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-303-0061
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4657703, Longitude: -66.1155322

kommentar 5

  • Tessa



    Great local flavors of gelato! Lots to try. Friendly staff.

  • es

    Carla Olavarria


    Ambiente familiar , local acogedor y en buenas condiciones. Buen trato de parte de los empleados y sobretodo una calidad exquisita en sus productos.

  • Rajagopal S

    Rajagopal S


    loved the tiramisu.. otherwise.. other ice creams were average.. Pineapple really didnt taste like pineapple.. it was tasting wierd , and tangy... liked the popsicles though... overall a very average place for ice creams.. The interiors looked good, and we thought it will be much tastier than what we had :)

  • Dustin Ramsdell

    Dustin Ramsdell


    Incredible frozen goodies here and amazing service. I got an ice cream sandwich with hot fudge on top and hazelnuts while my wife got an affogato. We were both very pleased with our choices and highly recommend checking this place out!

  • en

    Carlos Antonio Tejada Parravano


    Amazing products!!! Best ice cream and chocolate ever. I recommend the Chocolato paleta or the Affogato... they are out of the world! unbelievable!

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