Club Kronos i San Juan

Puerto RicoClub Kronos


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192, Calle Segarra, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-647-2350
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4233598, Longitude: -66.0942807

kommentar 5

  • Frankfort khanusa

    Frankfort khanusa


    Never go there

  • Brooklyn Rodriguez

    Brooklyn Rodriguez


    Needs to be upgraded . Needs more restrictions on minors. Poor bathroom areas needs more security. Needs local restaurants an ATM nearby. Looks creepy. Dark alleys. Update...hopefully it does upgrade after all the problems the other weekend.

  • Diana Hume

    Diana Hume


    It was super comfortable!! I had a blast!

  • Rene Casas

    Rene Casas


    There's no other club that offer the real club experience in PR...

  • Natalia Colon

    Natalia Colon


    I would give them 10 stars if available!!!! As soon as I entered this nightclub I knew it was going to be GREAT! The staff is super friendly from the guards in the entrance, to the bartenders, to the owner... All of them made sure we had a great time! The drinks are awesome and the price can't be beat!!! I highly recommend this nightclub if you want to have a great local puertorrican experience!

nærmeste Natklub

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