Comedería i San Juan

Puerto RicoComedería



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801, Ave Fernandez Juncos, 00927, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-993-5359
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.452515, Longitude: -66.0837618

kommentar 5




    Great service great food would take anyone there to eat!

  • en

    Justin Duff


    Ate here by recommendation of our airbnb host and we did not regret. Had gnocchi and roasted pork for entrees...never expected to taste gnocchi that good, a must try of you go here. Main courses were also delicious and the service was great and friendly and took the time to explain and recommend some choices. They have some pretty unique dishes and dofferent twists on traditional meals. The prices arent cheap but its worth every penny.

  • en

    Lisette Perez


    Long wait, great cocktails specially liked the Old Fashion. The pork belly over mofongo and broth, very good. The service could improve, specially in getting all the dishes out at the same time. Had to start eating before the others at table since my food was getting cold.

  • en

    Miriam Marti


    Wow! The food served here is not only great, but made with fresh, natural ingredients so typical of our island, but with an innovative twist!!!

  • Amish Gandhi

    Amish Gandhi


    Best restaurant in Puerto Rico imo. Edgar (waiter) was extremely professional and very humble (we chatted a bit about reopening after Maria - the restaurant used to be call La Jacqita Baya). I visited last year and loved it, and was worried about the recent rebrand, but the owner, cook and wait staff are still there and the food is still amazing.

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