Coral Beach Apartments i Carolina

Puerto RicoCoral Beach Apartments



🕗 åbningstider

5869, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-1237
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4430122, Longitude: -66.0208129

kommentar 5

  • Cristina Bermudez

    Cristina Bermudez


    June 2018 update: Garden and access to beach is being cleared of debris from construction. Pool is being filled but still needs to be filtered with chemicals and cleaned. Surrounding areas are not ready. Lobby work has not begun in either tower.

  • en

    irma rivero


    Lovely, staff friendly and helpful. Easy access to beach.

  • Mario Panameno

    Mario Panameno


    Coral Beach is great, nice old condominium, right in the center of Isla Verde, shops and restaurant abound!, Puerto Rico is a lot of fun, people is nice and polite. Night life in PR is a bang!, go and enjoy it, lots of places to visit, great for family trips!

  • Luz Moreno

    Luz Moreno


    After I booked this hotel apartment on booking and entered the property I come to find out from owner that there was no pool and it’s under construction which is not mentioned on the booking site nor did he mention it before I booked, it lucky I wasn’t charged because I was not satisfied, He said it’s noted in people’s reviews that the pool is under construction which is not true either. Also all the pictures are misleading and the apt doesn’t look as fancy as in the photos or the property itself. Very disappointed!

  • Ging C

    Ging C


    I had a wonderful 3 night stay at Coral Beach Apartments. There is a beautiful lobby, good security and awesome location. There is a CVS, a convenience store and a juice bar bistro just a block away. Also the beach is just steps away. Highly recommended!

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