El Mesón i Bo. Maguayo

Puerto RicoEl Mesón



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Puerto Rico 693 Km. 1.5 Interior, Lote A-3, Bo. Maguayo, Dorado 00646, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-202-2984
internet side: www.elmesonsandwiches.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4219459, Longitude: -66.2660592

kommentar 5

  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando Diaz


    Terrible! Waiting in line to order and no one comes to the counter. I ask for the manager and he tells me that they are backlogged in serving orders. I advised him to communicate with customers. It was very easy for anyone to come and tell the customers waiting to order that there would be a delay. Instead, we all felt ignored.

  • Chris Jensen

    Chris Jensen


    I have no idea how this has any stars. Just about any other deli shop is better than this. Soggy nasty sandwich with mediocre fries. Give me a stomach ache and gas.

  • Alan Warrick II

    Alan Warrick II


    Best El Meson on the island. Quick food preparation, quality taste and responsive and receptive management. I will be back.

  • Dirma Nun

    Dirma Nun


    They forgot to give me a muffin and was charged. I know that human errors can be made but need to pay more attention in the servicarro when they deliver. Sometimes they try to hurry so much and get mad when the order is been checked but see what happens.....something was not deliver. In terms of quality .....excellent.

  • Victor Labiosa

    Victor Labiosa


    Excellent meals & service.

nærmeste Cafe

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