Green House Cafe i Dorado

Puerto RicoGreen House Cafe



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2, Calle Marginal, 00646, Dorado, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-796-6633
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Latitude: 18.4662997, Longitude: -66.2794523

kommentar 5

  • Yoel Ramirez

    Yoel Ramirez


    First time went it was excellent all the way 2nd time i went not so excellent they couldn't keep the amazing flavor on their plates

  • Yarmila Alberty (Yayi)

    Yarmila Alberty (Yayi)


    Wait too long, to be seated, for the drinks, for the food; too much. No lobster to begin, change to Fried Red Snapper and it was over fried, dry and flavorless. Sorry, but never again.

  • Emily Overholser

    Emily Overholser


    So fresh and delicious! The pumpkin pancakes, French toast, and breakfast bowl were scummy. We tried the iced coffee, lattes, and Chai latte. Everything was so good! We had eaten lots of wonderful local food, and it was a nice change from plantains.

  • Laura Clarity

    Laura Clarity


    Great food and service. Nice to see an actual kids menu. We would definitely go back!

  • Jonathan Hernández

    Jonathan Hernández


    First time here nice local place near the beach in Dorado. Order has first course coconut shrimps very good plate with some medals, second course lobster with meat very good also order another lobster with fish. You have to be patient food takes long but is worth it. Service not bad they can do better. Nice ambient music and also has outside sitting.

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