Starbucks Coffee i Dorado

Puerto RicoStarbucks Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

KM 8.5, Road 693 Barrio Higuillar, 00646, Dorado, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-523-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4641796, Longitude: -66.2825962

kommentar 5

  • Sarai Torres

    Sarai Torres


    The attendance of the crew is awesome. I can talk to them and have created a good relationship.

  • Mauricio Rivera

    Mauricio Rivera


    Small, cozy, and inviting Starbucks. Most of the baristas speak good English although some of the coffees are slightly different than the ones in the Continental US. Great place to enjoy free WiFi, a good conversation, or to meet some of the cyclists that stop by there on the weekends.

  • Kevin Arana

    Kevin Arana


    Estaba cerrado a la hora que abria

  • Michelle Striegel

    Michelle Striegel


    Love the environment and the Fraps.. My favorite are the cold or hot tea's

  • Yamid Medina

    Yamid Medina


    I had to ask them to heat my food up 3 times because I like it crispy(well done). Also some cleanup this one has a lot of random flies

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