Extra Space Storage i Juncos

Puerto RicoExtra Space Storage



🕗 åbningstider

Carrera 198, 00777, Juncos, Ceiba Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-734-0969
internet side: www.extraspace.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2236928, Longitude: -65.914706

kommentar 5

  • Rebecca Cordero

    Rebecca Cordero


    The call center is very attentive and willing to explain more than once any question. I had Maria as my customer assistance in spanish. Very nice person to talk to. My Juncos Puerto Rico Manager is Jose Cruz and he has the patience of a saint. I have hearing and mild cognitive problems and he helped me all the way. Hopefully, the time i am with you, the service will be the same!

  • George Rivera

    George Rivera


    Excellent services. Mr Cruz was able to assist me with al my queries and provided answer to all my questions. I strongly recommend them.




    Mr José Cruz, store manager, deserve more than 20 stars in Extra Space Storage in Juncos, PR. Extraordinary and professional service.

  • Rolando Hernandez

    Rolando Hernandez


    Excellent customer service, thanks for the great experience. Kudos for Nedalet on her proffesionalism!

  • Yesenia Diaz

    Yesenia Diaz


    Great customer service! Thank you Nelly for your professionalism & attention to detail.

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