Finca Cialitos i San Juan

Puerto RicoFinca Cialitos



🕗 åbningstider

267, Calle de San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-207-9998
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4660199, Longitude: -66.1144925

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Carrasquillo

    Rafael Carrasquillo


    The best expresso you will try in your life! Beans dried and toasted on the rooftop. A chill oasis in the middle of hectic old San Juan Streets.

  • Dallin Sellers

    Dallin Sellers


    We got a cookie and coffee. The cookie was made in house and good! The coffee is amazing as well! Very nice guy who suggested the cookie!

  • Sherilyn Hardy

    Sherilyn Hardy


    Some of the best coffee I have ever had! The staff was so sweet and kept repeating “we are here to serve you” and answered all questions kindly and patiently. I highly recommend stopping here if you are in Old San Juan! Great atmosphere, music, & all around wonderful experience! Will absolutely be back when I’m in the area!!

  • Anna Muller

    Anna Muller


    Hidden gem! Pleasant place for breakfast, delicious and cozy. I enjoyed the bean salad and the quality of the coffee.

  • Luis Bonet

    Luis Bonet


    This is a very cozy coffee shop in Old San Juan. It has high ceilings, rounded arches, brick walls all resembling the architecture of the Spanish times. The owner who also runs the coffee farms greets you and take your order fully explaining you about how they prepare their food and coffee drinks. It's a unique experience. Highly recommend.

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