IL Giardino i San Juan

Puerto RicoIL Giardino



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1, Calle San Gerónimo, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-0303
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4631831, Longitude: -66.0856103

kommentar 5

  • es

    Wanda Vega Baez


    Este restaurante es super rico. La comida, los mozos, el capitán el Sr. Fco. Miranda hacen de este lugar uno super excelente. Es cierto que es costoso pero que pueden esperar está en el Caribe Hilton, San Juan P.R. 😋😋😋

  • Wil Edmondson

    Wil Edmondson


    As one of only like 3 dinner restaurants in the Caribe Hilton, we went for our first night's dinner hoping for the best. After glancing at the prices, we had our doubts. The food was okay but the atmosphere and the prices are unavoidably lackluster. Also the bread was an additional charge. We were amongst 3 or 4 other tables during prime dinner hours and the staff stood around us like hungry sharks. We had 4 or 5 different servers and managers shuffling us around in our meal. It had all the signs of a good restaurant but the prices and atmosphere could seriously interrupt a great night out. I suggest walking across the bridge or into town to find something better.

  • Alba Cassanova

    Alba Cassanova


    Cuando decides ir aun restaurante como este con precios altos esperas una cena sabrosa y de sabor nada el vino fue lo mejor y el más económico son $40

  • D Farhey

    D Farhey


    We checked their menu online and decided what we wanted to order. Once there, we were given a totally different menu that doesn't include what we wanted to order and with higher prices. We were told that the menu online is from two years ago. When we decided what to order from the actual menu, the waiter told us not to order those items, because it's going to take a really long time to get them (longer than half an hour). BTW, we noticed only one overworked waiter. Apparently, this is not a place for a quick bite.

  • David Cepeda

    David Cepeda


    I was skeptical to come to this restaurant after the low rating but decided to go as I was staying at the Hilton. In contrast to previous reviews, the service was quick and nice. The food was also good but bit great. They offer a good selection of Italian dishea, salads and pizza. I'm planning to go back there before we leave as my toddler kid liked the pasta with marinara sauce.

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