Subway i San Juan

Puerto RicoSubway


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667, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-6955
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4558326, Longitude: -66.0836815

kommentar 5

  • Rico Suave

    Rico Suave


    Best thing about this Subway are the hours. They open at 0600 during the week and close at 900 pm. Hours vary on weekends. The problem with living in Puerto Rico for work is that I miss salads. So I go to Subway and get my sandwich made into a chopped salad. Delish!

  • Luis Olea

    Luis Olea


    Muy limpio, la comida muy rica y el servicio muy atento. El baño esta limpio, lo único es q hay q limpiar un poco el compresor de aire ya q el aroma se queda adentro

  • Dilangel Nieves

    Dilangel Nieves


    Good service

  • Kevin Hritz

    Kevin Hritz


    We don't speak English and the ladies that worked with us gave us everything we asked for and charged us the correct amount (contrary to previous reviews). They were very patient with us. Would go again.

  • NDC Worldview

    NDC Worldview


    Constantly Good Quality

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