Levis El Rey De Churassco i San Juan

Puerto RicoLevis El Rey De Churassco


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Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-4151
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Latitude: 18.4520936, Longitude: -66.0762895

kommentar 5

  • Angel Santana

    Angel Santana


    They had a slow service at lunch, drinks were good and food was good but not better than i espected.

  • es

    Alexis Noventa


    Es lamentable como ha bajado la calidad de este lugar

  • lilliana Suriel

    lilliana Suriel


    Excelente Comida!! Se come el mejor Churrasco, tienen buenas atenciones!!

  • en

    Rey Pagan


    Highly recommend the Churrasco best I've had to date!

  • en

    Amy Rivera


    I came here at 2am for a late night meal after partying at La Placita since it was around the corner from where i was staying for the restaurant to be so empty the service was horrible i waited 45 minutes for an appetizer sampler we asked for water in the beginning we never received it, we waited an additional 45 minutes AFTER we finished eating for the check even after we waived the waitress down 3 times. Then waited 25 minutes just for the check to come to us AGAIN the restaurant was empty, we asked for our food to be wrapped to go, she threw it out so to make up for it we had to wait an additional 20 minutes for the cooks to remake our food. This place is only getting 2 stars because the food was great but service made the decision for me to never return here.

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