Rare 125 i San Juan

Puerto RicoRare 125



🕗 åbningstider

2, Calle Madrid, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-946-4996
internet side: www.rare125pr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.456181, Longitude: -66.0830959

kommentar 5

  • John Eubank

    John Eubank


    Superb. Came on a Sunday evening and had a great ribeye and truffle mac. The staff were friendly and attentive and the atmosphere was relaxed.

  • en

    Roberto Bolorin


    Best steak house I've visited in years! Attentive service, great cocktails, well executed dishes made with fresh ingredients and a fairly original menu. My only gripe is that the price range will preclude me from a daily visit, but it's an excellent place to go in any special occasion with a special person. Loved it!!!

  • Rico Suave

    Rico Suave


    A nice steak place with a good bar. Good food and drink. Nice and helpful staff. You will like it.

  • Francisco Vigil

    Francisco Vigil


    Excellent food and cocktails, they serve a better steak than a lot of more popular places... Great service, servers are friendly and always on hand. Gets packed on weekends so reservations are recommended, but it's not an issue during the week, they've added outdoor seating since the last time I ate there.

  • en

    Alex Padilla


    Great experience, friendly staff (Ask for Onyx) and awesome food! Great prices and decent amounts of food. All their side dishes are AMAZING! Also, great cocktails. Mac & cheese goes with everything so order up!

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