SX The Club i San Juan

Puerto RicoSX The Club



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1204, Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-532-4772
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Latitude: 18.450846, Longitude: -66.0747981

kommentar 5

  • K Anderson (None)

    K Anderson (None)


    Filthy Fun. This place scratches all the right inches. Contrary to every one's reviews the $2 soda was fresh. The bartender, a blonde crossover male/female was really friendlyand steered me to these delicious apple and cherry frozen drinks. Delicious.

  • Kenny Marquis

    Kenny Marquis


    This place is welcoming to all. Great music, open very late, great drinks and easily accessible.

  • Luis Caban

    Luis Caban


    I love it, they need more guys

  • Vaughn Hill

    Vaughn Hill


    Had an amazing time. Spent most of my time here when visiting San Juan. They have three rooms, two different DJ’s, and the bartenders and staff are very friendly. Now the dancers on the other hand are lousy to me. There were about 30 dancers. Maybe they should have had them on rotation because most of them didn’t even dance anyway. I’m not really sure what their purpose was to be honest. Think of them as “maybe go-go dancers”.

  • Karl Givens

    Karl Givens


    I was in San Juan for a two week vacation in April. I spent nearly every evening at SX. The excitement that that place radiates is phenomenal. The dancers are hot and very friendly. The bar tenders are great as well. I always felt welcomed. The place really gets turned up on weekends!

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