Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoSheraton Old San Juan Hotel



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100, Calle Brumbaugh, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-5100
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.464149, Longitude: -66.1121339

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Nelson

    Michelle Nelson


    Terrible customer service..great location. They gave us a room without a balcony that we paid for. Then we had to move on our own. We asked for a microwave and 4 hrs later still never got it. When we finally did, guy handed us microwave and wouldn't bring it in. What made me more frustrated was the guy at the desk. He told me " I should know how to read" when I questioned an additional charge if $75.36 which is for incidentals. Customer service is terrible. I will never come to this hotel. Guest services need more training.

  • Caesar Alarcon

    Caesar Alarcon


    Easy check in. Staff friendly and room 813 was great. There a small chair to sit in. There a tub in the bathroom. The bed is great. Sheets and down blankets are clean. The setup is ok with me.

  • Ana Camacho

    Ana Camacho


    We had a late night flight and arrived at the hotel with mutiple luggage and the man up front just stood there for a while looking at us. When I noticed he wasn't planning on providing any service, I asked him if there was a luggage cart available. He brought a luggage cart that was very difficult to maneuver. After I put all the heavy luggage on the cart on my own and was struggling to push a very heavy cart into the elevator; both, the man and the guy at the front desk, were cheering me on, like it was an amusing show. Never, not even out of courtesy, did they offer to assist me or my 7 y/o daughter. This is the worst customer service I've ever experienced in a hotel. If we could give it zero stars, we would. Not only do they not know the meaning of customer service, it was a very humiliating experience. My suggestion: skip this hotel altogether.

  • Jonathan M.

    Jonathan M.


    The room was ok besides a light bulb off. Crazy neighbors at the hotel were hanging drunk around the 7th floor.. in underwear!! It was like watching the real housewives of Atlanta.😂 They were very loud knocking others people's doors (I think it was a big group in different rooms) until very late, laughing, yelling. The front desk staff was the best thing of the hotel. :)

  • Nicholas Koeppen

    Nicholas Koeppen


    Good location and the rooms are clean. A bit overpriced. Stayed with my girlfriend and our dog for 4 nights. A 3 star review because the service is not great. Although we requested a room (Jr. Suite) with a balcony when we made the reservation, and were assured we would receive one, our room had no balcony. When we requested a room with a balcony, we were told we had to wait a day. When we followed up the next day, the man at the front desk had an attitude and accused us of never having reserved a room with a balcony (despite the woman who checked us in the night before acknowledging the error). After the man realized we had in fact made an appropriate reservation, we were downgraded and given a room less than half the size of our original room (to the man's credit, this room at least had a balcony). We ended up staying in our original room. Overall, I'm not satisfied with the stay. Especially for the price.

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