S.J. Suites Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoS.J. Suites Hotel



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253, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-1351
internet side: sjsuites.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4652201, Longitude: -66.114918

kommentar 5

  • Axel Alicea

    Axel Alicea


    Excelente location. Park on the street.

  • Doug Beckingham

    Doug Beckingham


    I had booked 2 rooms for a trip in march. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, my vacation was moved to May then eventually was cancelled. Raymond, of SJ Suites Hotel, in several e-mail exchanges promised a full refund. To date I have not received my refund. He is refusing to answer e-mail or phone calls. Both the cruise line and air line have issued a refund without any hassle. If this is the type of dishonest service offered by the hotel, I would advise strongly that people look else where to stay when the world opens up for travel.




    Its super clean but it's not much more than that. No phone, windows, wash cloths, safe, table or bath matsin the room. And that the simple things. But it's super clean. You can't control the AC and it no breakfast in the morning BUT ITS SUPER CLEAN. But truth be told I would stay again if it's only for one night. The price is right and its min away from the cruise ship terminal.

  • N Kelley Barrows-jipson

    N Kelley Barrows-jipson


    Staff was great, room clean, felt secure. Would have liked the water to be a little hotter. Also cups in the room for water.

  • Amber Hacker

    Amber Hacker


    It's a terrible place to stay. While the price was nice it hardly made up for what we had to pay overall. I would warn anyone from staying here between the temperature of the room to the thieves that work here; do not stay here.

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