Subway i Bayamón

Puerto RicoSubway



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Puerto Rico 862, 00957, Bayamón, Buena Vista, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3816879, Longitude: -66.1929461

kommentar 5

  • Luis Reyes

    Luis Reyes


    Asked for extra tomatoes and employee argued with me and didn't give it to me, other condiments were given in a stingy way like he was not allowed to make the sandwich to my taste. It was a very personal confrontation with this guy. I didn't go back for a couple month I don't think this employee is there any more but corporate office should check and make sure that their sandwiches should be made to customer's taste. 4/3/'18 I recently went back to this Subway franchise because is the closest to my home. I’m a long time customer in the US in different states and I always ask for the same type of sandwich. That is meat, no lettuce, double tomatoes, jalapeño, black olives, pickles, mayonnaise and mustard. The employee said that the instructions by, the “owner of the franchise”, was that they can only put one layer of tomatoes on a foot long. So I was unable to get my sandwich after so many years of having it the way I wanted because of a local personal decision. All they had to do is charge me for the extra tomatoes, but they didn’t want to give me that choice. I went there to have a nice and quiet lunch and instead they gave me unnecessary stress. The owner has decided to change company policy to serve and make a sandwich to the taste of the client. I’ve been eating my sandwich this way for many years all over the continental US as one of my jobs demanded that I traveled everywhere except Alaska and later my last job at Duke University hospital and Durham North Carolina and nobody ever gave such a hard time over a simple extra layer of tomatoes. That is very stingy and mean intended over a simple sandwich. I don’t feel comfortable going back to have a Subway sandwich since I lost my taste for their treatment unless they fix their rough treatment for their clients. A little courtesy and diplomacy would do miracles for this business. If is micro-managed with this kind of attitude to save money I don’t think it will see better days.

  • es



    ALGUNOS EMPLEADOS 5 estrellas y excelente servicio- Otras le dices pan bien tostado y no lo tuestan, pan integral y te dan blanco... cositas asi!

  • es

    Miriam Rivera


    Buen servicio.

  • Nancy Rodriguez

    Nancy Rodriguez


    Subway siempre me resuelve cuando tengo hambre.

  • en

    Luis Rodri



nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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