The Parrot Club i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Parrot Club


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363, Calle Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-7370
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.465727, Longitude: -66.112714

kommentar 5

  • Devin Vega

    Devin Vega


    Food was fantastic, but they are closed for hurricane repairs.

  • Shawn Sloves

    Shawn Sloves


    Tourist place. Always visit food is good but it losing it's luster.

  • en

    Torben Fasoldt


    My wife and i ducked in here on our tour from our cruise! What a great restaurant! The staff was very friendly and our server was extremely happy to help with local favorites! The drinks were excellent and refreshing! The empanada sampler, croquets and the ribs were all to die for!! Very relaxing and comfortable atmosphere! Thank you a thousand times!!

  • en



    We dived into here after a day of walking in Old San Juan. We only did cocktails that were very tasty. This bar has a real bar feel as there is nobody trying to draw you in with Happy Hour deals (you will notice this if you walk around Old San Juan in the late afternoon)

  • Robin Talkowski

    Robin Talkowski


    This is a small restaurant. The staff were very welcoming and attentive. The food was excellent. I especially liked the empanadas. It is located in historic old San Juan.

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