Tobacco Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoTobacco Shop



🕗 åbningstider

525, Puerto Rico 23, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4233554, Longitude: -66.0746446

kommentar 5

  • Mariayolanda Pagan

    Mariayolanda Pagan


    Los empleados espectaculares? 🤗

  • en

    cristian colon


    I went there to leave a resume and the retail associate trashed my resume. She was so obvious, i told her to call the manager, she had a conversation on the phone that lasted for seconds. Then, I insisted to call him again but this time to test her. She was like: yes, yes, yes. Then she said to leave the resume to her. I should have turned and not left the resume.

  • Freddy Alexander

    Freddy Alexander


    Buena atención. Buenos precios. Las empleadas son adorables. Los Winston smooth blend son buenisimos!

  • Yalina Goldberg

    Yalina Goldberg


    Customer service sucks here. I came at 6:52 and they said they're closed even though they knew I was paying cash . I asked what time they close they said 6:50???? They close at 7 but was closing early. I needed one Dutch. Not to mention I'm from the states so the Dutch they sell are actually 2 for 99 cents! They sell it's for $2 and cut the part that says 2 for 99 cents. By cutting that part is opening the seal which unpreserves the dutches. For price gouging and poor customer service I don't recommend nor will I return !!!

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    Malik Nieves


    They usually have anything you need, I've gone there for tabacco and rolling papers a few times and they have it. Really nice to customers and very polite.

nærmeste Butik

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