ACE Rent A Car i San Juan

Puerto RicoACE Rent A Car



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1110, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-6525
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4564793, Longitude: -66.073555

kommentar 5

  • en

    denise vargas


    Company is unprofessional and rude. I called upon arrival to have the shuttle pick me up (I arrived at 2am). I was instructed to stand in a specific section for pick up (section B). The shuttle came after 15mins and stopped in the section before me and was got fully loaded so by the time it got to me there was no space. I called the company back to ask 1)why they had me stand in section B knowing there when pickup was in another section? and 2)complain that there was no space and now I have to wait another 15mins. The rep (same rep I initially spoke to) didn’t even apologize or tried to be considerate of the situation he simply answered “oh well, if it’s packed you have to wait”. At 2am the last thing anyone wants is to be given the run around, incorrect directions or wait extra unnecessary time due to the incompetence and inconsideration of a company. I strongly recommended finding another car rental company. I went with this company because it was cheaper compared to others. However, it’s worth paying more for better service and quality.

  • Hongyi Zhao

    Hongyi Zhao


  • Lauren S

    Lauren S


    The service was great when I was there. The car was clean, ready and waiting for me. I didn't notice it the first time around the block (on the left/south side of the street is a small lot, with a Charlie's Car Rentals sign). Dropping the car off took

  • Howard Gregory

    Howard Gregory


    Wow where to start. Worst customer experience. The "customer service rep" challenged my insurance and said that she knew best what insurance is. She also demanded two phone numbers on file which is ludacris. I would rank this business as a zero if possible. Extremely disappointed. Do not put yourself through this, an extra $5 a day at any of the competitors is worth it (I went down the street and had a car in under three minutes). Also they charge more for the auto tolls then their competitors so you may end up paying more anyways.

  • Jonathan Ng

    Jonathan Ng


    I would give this a zero star if possible. I had a reservation and I got there at 12:03 pm. The person working there was in her car. She saw me and asked if I was the person with the reservation which I said yes. She says....come back at 1 I'm on break. Worst service ever, she couldn't take 5 mins to give me a car which I could see in the lot ready to go. I walked over to enterprise where they were happy to help me as a walk in. Glad I didn't prepay for this. Google this company and you will see many complaints. Save yourself the headache and go to another place.

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