Dollar Rent-A-Car i San Juan

Puerto RicoDollar Rent-A-Car



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Isla Grande, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-720-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4532528, Longitude: -66.0883534

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jessica Lum


    Great experience, great customer service, really friendly staff, nice cars. 10/10 would recommend!!!

  • Muhammad Usman Hasan

    Muhammad Usman Hasan


    Excellent experience renting a car here for our brief stay in Puerto Rico. Peter (the staff member who dealt with us) was super friendly, gave us great recommendations on places to go to and also gave us a complimentary ride to the airport when we checked out. Would highly recommend!

  • Richard Lee

    Richard Lee


    Peter was the best. Had a ton of recommendations and was extremely helpful! He helped us save some money and very kind! I even left him a tip after we returned the car for all his help :)

  • Paul Smith

    Paul Smith


    I was very impressed with the service. We arrived in San Juan from a cruise ship and without a reservation they came and picked me up at the port. This saved me from spending additional money on a taxi to get to them. The prices were also very reasonable. The staff checked to make sure I was getting the most competitive price. He also took the time to explain the different insurance options available. I found it particularly convenient that there is an option to return the vehicle at their 24/7 airport location.

  • en

    Mengdan Xue


    We went there on the Christmas Eve, when every car-renting stores were closed. There was only one staff there, and he was super nice! He gave us a lot of suggestions for the traveling. The price is reasonable, and the pick-up service is really helpful. Overall I would choose to rent car there once again because of the good service!

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