Enterprise Car Rental i San Juan

Puerto RicoEnterprise Car Rental



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Calle Bechara, 00922, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 844-794-8593
internet side: www.enterprise.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4246302, Longitude: -66.0943738

kommentar 5

  • Dagmaichy Ortiz

    Dagmaichy Ortiz


    They where awesome, great service. My husband was to tall for the car and they found a perfect car for him. And we get the option to return the car in the airport and that was very fast and super easy. Great service and great experience. Next time we go to PR we are going to use your services again.

  • Lizandra Vazquez

    Lizandra Vazquez


    I called 10 times in an hour period and no one answered. I needed someone to pick me up at the dealership where I left my car and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of this guys. A Service Rep took my called after many attempts and said that the number that I was dialing was the only one for this location and asked me if I would like to speak with a supervisor. She put me on hold until the call was dropped as all of the previous 9 calls. HORRIBLE SERVICE. Please hire more people or change the super courteous message that your clients have to listen about how great your service is blah blah blah. Your service is horrible. And this is Not the first time. Please care more for your clients. Reservation cancelled.

  • es

    Genesis Toledo


    Dario y Axel gracias por tremendo servicio y ayuda. Con mucha energía y actitud positiva. Gracias mil

  • Anthony Maldonado

    Anthony Maldonado


    Tuve una avería en mi auto y alquilé un auto de emergencia. El servicio fue rápido y excelente. Incluso me asignaron un auto nuevo!!! Al entregarlo en la Kennedy, me trataron súper. Excelente servicio. Los recomiendo.

  • severiano mendoza

    severiano mendoza


    I love the professionalism and family friendly atmosphere that they have. Are always able to assist in every way possible and are very flexible. Will continue to use service at this location.

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