Avis Rent-A-Car i San Juan

Puerto RicoAvis Rent-A-Car



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1050, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-4499
internet side: www.avis.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4584221, Longitude: -66.076266

kommentar 5

  • Catherine Hubert

    Catherine Hubert


    If you want to waist an entire morning waiting for a car instead of starting you day.... Rent with AVIS/BUDGET.... WORST car rental company have a seen in my life. Very bad management. They layoff people and they just can't run the operation at all. 2h and we are still waiting. Might as well take the bus.

  • Sarah Roberts

    Sarah Roberts


    If you want the office to be closed (during posted business hours) and you must wait for an hour to pick up and drop off your car, then rent here. Called customer service they said they is nothing they can do and don't know why they are closed. This is 2 days in a row the office has been close when I tried to pick up and drop off. When your on vacation this is the last thing you want to deal with, being late to board your cruise ship.

  • en

    Jay Kay


    Very friendly and helpful staff. We were involved in a incident at a gas pump and the workers from Avis were extremely helpful and kind.

  • en

    Tamera Blankenship


    One of the most efficient car rental experiences we've ever had. Expensive, yes. But hassle-free. Great service.

  • es

    Alejandro Martinez


    Muy buena excelente

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